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* Gearing up for Steampunk Bizarre, July 11, 2010, Hartford, CT

May 26, 2010 by Veronique Chevalier

Dr. Grymm Laboratories Presents: THE STEAMPUNK BIZARRE

Greetings Dear Ones!

I have been specially-commissioned by Dr. Grymm, and shall be premiering a site-specific performance piece on the occasion of The 2nd Annual Steampunk Bizarre!

What: Steampunk immersion experience for all ages, July 9-16th
Veronique’s Appearance: Sunday, July 11th (Steampunk Meet Up)
Time: 5 to 9 pm
Venue: Hartford ArtSpace
Address: 555 Asylum Avenue, Hartford CT, 06103
Telephony: 860 – 548 – 9975
Event URL:

+ + + What follows is directly from Dr. Grymm himself:

“…I have been knee deep in the production and curating for the 2010 Steampunk Bizarre. A production of this scale does not happen overnight and I have the bags under my eyes to prove it!

So for now just a quick post to discuss some of the fine points of what I have been up to:

1. I have created an brand new website for Dr. Grymm Laboratories! It will showcase my work, merchandise, media gallery, the Steampug Adventures and of course the Steampunk Bizarre 2010 along with it’s own journal. is the new homepage so visit often for updates!

2. The STEAMPUNK BIZARRE will be featuring 23 International artists from CA, NY, PA, CT, and the UK!

3. A STEAMPUNK MEET-UP is planned for July 11th 5:00PM to 10:00PM at the Steampunk Bizarre. And I am honored to have the lovely and talented Steampunk songtress, Veronique Chevalier performing that night!

4. A Documentory Film is being produced about the Exhibit through Neurotic Films!

5. I am colaborating with a few artists in the show, including the amazingly talented James Muscarello on a piece of my design inspired by the legend of John Henry. I will be posting a process blog on it’s creation in the next few weeks, but here is a rough concept sketch…”

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